File size measures the size of a computer file. Typically it is measured in bytes with an SI prefix. The actual amount of disk space consumed by the file depends on the file system. The maximum file size a file system supports depends on the number of bits reserved to store size information and the total size of the file system.
Name | Symbol | Equal to | Binary Measurement |
Decimal Measurement |
Number of Bytes |
Bit | b | N/A | 0.125 | ||
Nibble | Nibble | (4) b | 0.5 | ||
Byte | B | (2) Nibble | 1 | ||
Kilo Byte | KB | (1,024) B | 210 | 103 | 1,024 |
Mega Byte | MB | (1,024) KB | 220 | 106 | 1,048,576 |
Giga Byte | GB | (1,024) MB | 230 | 109 | 1,073,741,824 |
Tera Byte | TB | (1,024) GB | 240 | 1012 | 1,099,511,627,776 |
Peta Byte | PB | (1,024) TB | 250 | 1015 | 1,125,899,906,842,624 |
Exa Byte | EB | (1,024) PB | 260 | 1018 | 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 |
Zetta Byte | ZB | (1,024) EB | 270 | 1021 | 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 |
Yotta Byte | YB | (1,024) ZB | 280 | 1024 | 1,208,925,801,182,629,174,706,176 |
Unconfirmed Sizes | |||||
Exona Byte | EB | (1,024) YB | 290 | 1027 | 1,237,940,020,411,012,274,899,124,224 |
Mad Asu Byte | ?B | (1,024) EB | 2100 | 1030 | 1,267,650,767,268,876,569,496,703,205,376 |
Higinia Byte | ??B | (1,024) ?B | 2110 | 1033 | 1,298,074,385,683,329,607,164,624,082,305,024 |
Xyloba Byte | XB | (1,024) ??B | 2120 | 1036 | 1,329,228,170,939,729,517,736,575,060,280,344,576 |
Kato Byte | KTB | (1,024) XB | 2130 | 1039 | 1,361,129,467,683,753,853,853,498,429,727,072,845,824 |