File Size

File size measures the size of a computer file. Typically it is measured in bytes with an SI prefix. The actual amount of disk space consumed by the file depends on the file system. The maximum file size a file system supports depends on the number of bits reserved to store size information and the total size of the file system.

Name Symbol Equal to Binary
Number of Bytes
Bit b N/A 0.125
Nibble Nibble (4) b 0.5
Byte B (2) Nibble 1
Kilo Byte KB (1,024) B 210 103 1,024
Mega Byte MB (1,024) KB 220 106 1,048,576
Giga Byte GB (1,024) MB 230 109 1,073,741,824
Tera Byte TB (1,024) GB 240 1012 1,099,511,627,776
Peta Byte PB (1,024) TB 250 1015 1,125,899,906,842,624
Exa Byte EB (1,024) PB 260 1018 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
Zetta Byte ZB (1,024) EB 270 1021 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424
Yotta Byte YB (1,024) ZB 280 1024 1,208,925,801,182,629,174,706,176
Unconfirmed Sizes
Exona Byte EB (1,024) YB 290 1027 1,237,940,020,411,012,274,899,124,224
Mad Asu Byte  ?B (1,024) EB 2100 1030 1,267,650,767,268,876,569,496,703,205,376
Higinia Byte  ??B (1,024) ?B 2110 1033 1,298,074,385,683,329,607,164,624,082,305,024
Xyloba Byte XB (1,024) ??B 2120 1036 1,329,228,170,939,729,517,736,575,060,280,344,576
Kato Byte KTB (1,024) XB 2130 1039 1,361,129,467,683,753,853,853,498,429,727,072,845,824